Tuesday 22 September 2015

Earn like an Entrepreneur but work like an employee

Life is short and time is the one thing we’ll never get back. This makes time one of your most valuable resources and you should treat it accordingly. Entrepreneurship gives you the ability to balance your time. Entrepreneurship is a way of life that offers unlimited possibilities to those who truly believe in it and live by it.

Life is about pursuit of happiness.

Tuesday 28 July 2015

Financial Sales Consultant or Associates Partner Wanted

Job Responsibilities:
Provides service to clients' changing financial needs by provides solution like Family Income Protection Scheme, Education Plan, Health Protection Plan, Business Continuation Plan, Will Writing & Trust Plan, Saving Plan, Investment Plan and financial related services. Product offer range from Insurance plan, Saving plan, Unitrust Plan to Will and Trust and related financial product.
Job Duties:
  • Develops base for long-term sources of clients by using referrals, occupational, and special-interest groups to compile lists of prospects.
  • Approaches potential clients by utilizing mailings and phone solicitation; making presentations to groups at company-sponsored gatherings; speaking publicly to community groups on the subject of financial well-being.
  • Determines clients' particular needs and financial situations by scheduling fact-finding appointments; determining extent of present coverage and investments; ascertaining long-term goals.
  • Developes a coordinated protection plan by calculating and quoting rates for immediate coverage action and long-term strategy implementation.
  • Obtains underwriting approval by completing application for coverage.
  • Completes coverage by delivering policy; planning future follow-up visits and evaluations of needs.
  • Provides continuing service by providing direct deposit forms; processing changes in beneficiary and policy loan applications.
  • Provides death benefits by delivering policy proceeds; reassessing client needs.
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
Enhances reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments
Prospecting Skills, Meeting Short and Long Term Goals, Motivation for Dream, Selling to Customer Needs, Client Relationships, People Skills, Product Knowledge, General Math Skills, Organization, Dependability, Entrepreneur mindset.

  • Candidates must possess at least a Diploma in any field.
  • Creative, Energetic, Committed and Discipline with a strong sense of integrity & gratitude.
  • Preferably with experience in Banking and Financial Services will added advantage.
  • Experience in self-employed will added advantage.
  • Candidates without experience are also encouraged to apply as training will be provided.
  • Preferred Language(s): English, Chinese and Bahasa Malaysia
  • Financial Sales Consultant - Basic Income range from RM4,000 to RM 6,000 and included commission.
  • Closing Date = 30 SEPT 15

Monday 27 July 2015

What & Why


I called a qualified professional who helps individuals and corporations meet their long-term financial objectives by analyzing the client's status and setting a program to achieve that client's goals. Financial planners specialize in tax planning, asset allocation, risk management, retirement and/or estate planning.

The job goes by a lot of names, including Financial Planner, Financial Advisor and Personal Financial Consultant, or formerly also known as Insurance Advisor.

Financial Planning Puzzle
Financial Planners earn a living by helping people sort through and choose investments, insurance and other financial products. They do retirement planning, college funding, estate planning, general investment and business planning.
More than half of all financial advisors work for finance and insurance companies, including securities and commodity brokers, banks, insurance carriers and financial investment firms. However, more and more financial advisors are become self-employed that setup their own firm, operating small financial consultancy firms like lawyer and accounting firm.

What Education Will Lead to Employment?

Financial planning employers look for candidates with a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance, economics, business, mathematics or law. Courses in investments, taxes, estate planning and risk management are also helpful. Programs in financial planning are becoming more widely available in colleges and universities.Financial analysts may also seek the Certified Financial Planner® (CFP®), the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), the Registered Financial Planner (RFP) and the Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) designations.

Generally, a license is not required to work as a personal financial advisor, but advisors who sell stocks, bonds, mutual funds or insurance may need licenses. These licenses are administered and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.


Start Your Own Business or Financial Firm

Be You Own Boss
Financial Planner is a job that combines professionalism and entrepreneurship. Many of the advisors that I work with are usually on their second or third careers when they choose to become a financial planner. Some have a finance background, some don’t. I think the most common characteristic is that they want something great in life and pursuit of happiness. Whether you're a veteran financial planner looking to get out from under a tyrannical boss or a rookie just out of college, the dream of starting your own business is probably an aspiration that gets you out of bed on even the rainiest of days. Money, autonomy, convenient office hours and recognition within the community all come as part of the package, at least in our dreams. 

I find the best part of entrepreneurship is that it allows me the flexibility to attend events at my children's school during the day, as well as volunteer at their school when necessary. A 9-to-5 corporate job would not allow me to do that. - Angelica L. Cox, owner and operator, The Wizor

I have lived by the motto, "It is not the money; it is the lifestyle." Because I run my own business, I live a great lifestyle. - Beverly Solomon, creative director, Musee Solomon 

Job Satisfaction - Sell By Creating Value

Money is just one of the resources at our disposal to help us live the life we want to live. Ultimately, life is about the pursuit of happiness. Some of financial plans might include putting kids through college, having a successful career, retiring with freedom and choices, travel or vacation, and finally maintaining the financial ability to make choicesrather than having them be made for us. 
Mistakes can be incredibly destructive to our financial health.  Not having a long-term investment strategy (the impact of Malaysia Inflation), not having adequate insurance protection (Medical Inflation Rate at 15% Yearly, RM300K cancer treatment today will cost RM 600K in five years time), paying too much in fees or taxes unnecessarily, having the wrong beneficiary on retirement accounts, failure to set up a will, business closed down due to failure to plan; the list goes on and on. What we have in common is that they are all very costly and all very avoidable.  A professional financial advisor will look for gaps in their financial strategy and help them to correct them.

Only a generation or two ago, going into business for yourself was considered risky, and the safest route was to get a good job in a large firm.  “That’s what my ‘poor dad’ taught me, “says Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki. “Now, working for a traditional corporation has become the risky option.” 

Fulfillment in helping others.

Freedom to spend your time doing what’s important to you

Setting your own hours is a huge advantage. You know yourself best and you’ll be able to build a schedule that’s most efficient for you. If you want to work really hard one day, and take a half day the next day, that’s perfectly fine when you’re self-employed. You can work all night and sleep all day if that’s your personal preference.

"I have created an office environment where my team and I can stay healthy. We work standing, sitting or stretched out on the floor. We hang upside down on our inversion table. We bring healthy meals. And we always have good chocolate on hand." - Linda L. Hoopes, president, Resilience Alliance.

Life is short and time is the one thing we’ll never get back. This makes time one of your most valuable resources and you should treat it accordingly. Entrepreneurship gives you the ability to balance your time.

If you have family or other life circumstances come up, you can decide to forgo any work for that day. You don’t have that kind of flexibility at a job. Your work should fit into your life, not the other way around. The life part has to come first.

Enjoy to the max , the art if freedom and chose when to work.

Job Security – You can’t get fire

This is a great reason in itself. In the self-employment world you can’t get fired! You can change your mind about certain business opportunities, but that would just be shifting the focus of your business, you’d never be firing yourself. This takes a certain amount of burden off your shoulders because you don’t need to worry about someone suddenly taking away your income just because of cutbacks even if you’re doing a superb job. Production industry could move from China to Vietnam, Information Technology team could move from U.S to India, Taxi industry now face huge challenging with Uber and Malaysian may not deposits their money in the bank in near future. The world is flat, the economy and industry is changing, try to find opportunities in the chaos and destruction of changing industries where a product or service that will enable you to earn a living despite while others struggle.

"I can tell myself to go to hell and not worry about being fired." - MJ Pedone, president and founder, Indra Public Relations 

Be Challenged and Always Self Development

Career Advancement & Personal Development

Most people will find that they not only reach a salary cap when they work for someone else, but they also reach a point where they’re no longer challenged. When you embark work for yourself, it’ll be a risk and it’ll be a challenge in this industry.

You will find a lot of experience business buddies and good mentor to help you in this industry to ensure you continue develop to become a better person and continue be challenged. A mentor can be equally important, particularly for newcomers to the business. Having someone to ask advice of who can guide you through the difficult stages is an invaluable aid for those who are still climbing up the financial business. As you keep gaining experience and develop yourself to become better person, you’ll continue to be more value and you will reach higher and higher levels, same goes to your standard of living.

My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself. I see life almost like one long University education that I never had — everyday I’m learning something new.” - Richard Branson, CEO and founder, Virgin Airline 

The opportunity to control your destiny

When you work a 9-to-5 you’re at the mercy of your boss and the company you work for. They can decide to hire or fire you, they decide how you spend your eight hours every day and what happens in those eight hours affects you beyond that time. You have little control and in exchange, they give you a paycheck. The problem is today’s economy. Gone are the days of working at a company for years and retiring with a pension. These days entrepreneurship is the new pension plan. Your income is too important to leave in the hands of someone else.
Decision to Destiny
A million opportunities are laid out in front of you, and you get to choose from these countless options. Being a young entrepreneur gives you the liberty to try out different opportunities. When the pieces fall in place, you create your own path. Carve out your destiny and shape your business by interacting with like-minded people by networking.

“When you’re in business for yourself, your write your own history, you write your own success story, you write your own legacy and most important, you write your own paycheck,” says Jeffrey Gitomer, best-selling author of Little Red Book of Selling.